Behind the Scenes of Propaganda: Understanding the Current Issues
Loss of Hegemony and Destabilization Strategies
Historically, whenever someone has attempted to rival the global dominance and resource control established by the United States, a major war has been triggered to destabilize the region and plunder its resources under the guise of saving democracy from tyranny. For example, Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Muammar Gaddafi in Libya were portrayed as tyrants threatening world peace. These leaders were demonized by the Western mainstream media, thus preparing the public to accept military interventions under the pretext of defending democratic values. The resulting conflicts often left the affected regions in prolonged instability and considerable humanitarian suffering, while the true economic and strategic motives behind the interventions were masked by propaganda. Similarly, the current situation in Ukraine reflects patterns of propaganda where international actors manipulate narratives to justify actions that serve their geopolitical and economic interests.
It is crucial to understand what lies behind the lies about Putin and the propaganda demonizing Russia. Today, a similar attempt is being made with the help of NATO, a vassal of the United States. However, this time, the situation is much more perilous for the USA: their entire monetary system is gradually collapsing like a house of cards, hence their attempt to generate a war.
In the past, ruling elites have used world war as a "solution" to maintain their power and consolidate their control over resources and territories. There are several reasons for this:
Distraction and Mobilization of the Population: In times of economic or monetary crisis, social tensions and discontent increase. By launching a war, leaders can divert attention from these internal problems by mobilizing the population around a common external enemy. This helps reinforce the sense of patriotism and national unity while channeling frustrations toward an external goal.
Stimulating the War Economy: The massive military expenditures required to wage a world war can stimulate the economy by creating jobs in the arms industry and increasing the demand for goods and services related to the war effort. This can temporarily alleviate the effects of the economic crisis by providing a new growth engine.
Control of Resources and Territories: World wars offer the opportunity to conquer new territories rich in valuable natural resources, thereby extending economic and political control. Victorious powers can also impose favorable economic conditions on the defeated, thus reinforcing their dominant position in the post-conflict world order.
Reinforcement of Political Power: In times of crisis, leaders may seek to consolidate their political power by invoking the need for strong and decisive leadership in the face of an external threat. Managing the war also provides an opportunity to strengthen state structures and increase control over the population in the name of national security.
Overall, world war has often been used as a means to maintain the status quo and protect the interests of the ruling elites, even at the cost of massive human losses and widespread suffering.
The Power Mechanisms of the Elites
These powerful elites and their beneficiaries own almost everything on earth: the media, banks, NGOs, international organizations, and nearly all governments and companies in the world. They also control the armies, bank loans, the money supply, credit ratings, the narrative, propaganda, factories, food supply, international trade, and international law.
Their most powerful weapon is the control of "truth" and the "narrative." This control allows them to manipulate public opinion and justify the atrocities they provoke by posing as "saviors" and playing with the public's emotions.
They are willing to perpetuate wars, lie, slander, destroy, censor, confiscate, print money, and do whatever it takes to maintain and increase their control of the "narrative" . Every excuse in the book is good to seize the world's wealth and resources.
Of course, this does not mean that the Putin administration is the "axis of good." One should not fall into the extreme opposite. the point is that elites, whoever they may be, are not to be trusted.
Current Consequences and the Need for Awakening
Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, the corrupted Western mainstream media property of the oligarchy have lied, endorsing a humanitarian catastrophe with the help of NATO and the United States, who disregard civilians and numerous victims on both sides, including women and children. They placed Zelensky, a degenerate and corrupt actor, in the presidency. Meanwhile, these “elites,” while pretending to be on the side of "good," have avoided peace at all costs and continued provoking Putin for over ten years, now presenting Russia as the “Axis of Evil” and Putin as the new "Hitler” aiming to expand his empire globally. Despite Putin's numerous warnings, they have deployed armies at his borders and funded Ukraine, resulting in the massacre of Ukrainians.
History repeats itself, just like with Saddam Hussein, portrayed as Satan facing the “axis of good,” without still anyone being condemned for the lies about “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq. Later, the Obama administration, though publicly portrayed as perfect, proved to be one of the most murderous in U.S. history, with people emotionally duped simply because a black man was president.
Recently, pushed to the limit, Russia had no choice but to send hypersonic missiles and nuclear submarines to Cuba, increasing the risk of a third world war. Meanwhile, a new source of destabilization is emerging in the Middle East with the escalating conflict in Israel, killing an astounding number of civilians.
How to Defend Against Mainstream Media Propaganda and Lies
It is crucial to cultivate critical thinking and reject simplistic, demonizing, or partisan narratives. One essential strategy is education in critical thinking from a very young age, to develop skills in analyzing and discerning information.
Diversifying information sources is also vital. To truly understand a situation, one must consult a variety of viewpoints and not settle for what is offered by dominant media. By exploring alternative media and seeking independent analyses, one can gain a more nuanced and complete view of events.
It is also necessary to reconnect with verifiable facts, being wary of false information and cognitive biases. Using fact-checking tools and adopting a skeptical attitude towards unfounded claims helps reduce the impact of misinformation. A scientific approach to information, where each piece of data is scrutinized rigorously, helps counter manipulation.
Finally, intellectual autonomy is essential. Each person must take responsibility for their own education and not completely delegate their judgment to experts or the media. By cultivating an insatiable curiosity and engaging in continuous learning, we can protect ourselves against manipulations and develop a deeper, more authentic understanding of the world around us.
Official propaganda is the most effective weapon used by elites to perpetuate their crimes. It is time for the majority to wake up about this fact.
Bitcoin: A Path to World Peace in Contrast with the Pro-War Fiat System
The current fiat monetary system, which is not backed by tangible assets, fundamentally incentivizes war. By allowing governments to issue money out of thin air without any real constraint or public vote, it facilitates the financing of massive military expenditures through chronic inflation and currency devaluation. This dynamic encourages armed conflicts by providing an easy source of funding for military ambitions, while imposing an indirect economic burden on citizens through the loss of purchasing power of their currency.
Conversely, Bitcoin, as a decentralized and scarce digital currency, offers an alternative path. Its predetermined scarcity and fixed supply discourage excessive spending while encouraging long-term savings.
With such a system, if ruling elites want to finance a war, they will have to persuade the public that a tax is justified, which is much more perilous and risks ousting them from political power in elections. Furthermore, Bitcoin’s decentralized nature makes it impossible for governments or financial elites to manipulate the currency, protecting people’s purchasing power.
Thus, if Bitcoin is gradually adopted worldwide by populations, it represents a potential solution to end the hegemony of the pro-war fiat monetary system, offering a resilient alternative to censorship and confiscation while promoting economic stability and world peace.
Source & inspirations : Robert Breedlove, Saifedean Ammous, Idris Aberkane